H O M E | G A L L E R I E S | T E S T I M O N I E S | B I O G R A P H Y | C O N T A C T |
A R T I C L E S | L E T T E R S | D R A W I N G S | FRIENDS, FAMILY... |
Ludwik Rostkowski Jr, first husband of Maria Papa Rostkowska, Polish youth organization leader (1918-1950), Medal of Rightful. | Edouard Pignon: the man thanks to whom she could leave Poland and come to France. | Dr Ludwik Rostkowski Sr, surgeon, cofounder of Zegota, a person very much admired by Maria Papa Rostkowska.Similar Photography in the Holocaust Muséum, Washington, DC |
Maurice Estève | Maria Rostkowska (student at the Beaux Arts in Paris), Elzbieta Strzalecka (now Zochowska) with her mother at a folk festival in Paris, 1948. |
Marriage de Maria Rostkowska with Gualtieri Papa di San Lazzaro. From left to right: Bazil, Marcelle Poliakoff, Serge Poliakoff, Maria Papa Rostkowska, Gualtieri Papa di San Lazzaro, Signori, Pierre Volboudt. 1958 |
Maria Papa Rostkowska in Albisola with Tullio d'Albisola and her son Nicolas Rostkowski, 1961. |
Opening Galerie XXème Siècle, at right Poliakoff and Nicolas Rostkowski, 1962. | Maria Papa Rostkowska and Serge Poliakoff in Paris, 1962. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska with Tullio d'Albisola and Lucio Fontana in Albisola, 1962. |
Opening at the Galleria Pescetto, Albisola, from left to right: Scanavino, Milena Milani, Fontana, unidentified, Costanza Capogrossi, Roberto Crippa, Nicolas Rostkowski, 1963. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska to "Warrior" at the Salon of New Realities in Paris, 1963. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska and Miro at the Galerie XXème Siècle, Paris, 1963. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska and Marino Marini. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska and her friends in the Galleria delNaviglio. Raffaelle Carrieri, Capogrossi, Tullio Mazzotti, Lucio Fontana, Scanavino, Fabbri, Milena Milani, 1967. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska with Lucio Fontana, Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, 1967. |
Gualtieri Papa di San Lazzaro, Maria Papa Rostkowska, Dr André Ribert, Lucienne Ribert, Paris, 1968. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska and her son Nicolas Rostkowski, 1968. |
Gualtieri di San Lazzaro, mari de Maria Papa Rostkowska, 1971. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska and Joëlle Rostkowski, Paris, 1992. | Exhibition in Warsaw 1994: Elzbieta Dzikowska art critic, Aryka Madejska (painter and very closed friend), Maria Papa Rostkowska and the director of ARS POLONA GALLERY. |
Cybille de Kersauson, Joëlle Rostkowski, Maria Papa Rostkowska, in front of the sculptur "Ice Venus", exhibition in Paris, Champs-Elysées, 1994. | Maria Papa Rostkowska and Joëlle Rostkowski, 1994. |
Lucienne Ribert and Maria Papa Rostkowska, Villerville, 1998. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska's with Pilou, Pietrasanta, 2000. | Pilou, Maria Papa Rostkowska's beloved cat. |
Dear italian friends of Maria Papa Rostkowska: Rosetta Corsetti and Guido Belli, in Pietrasanta, 2007. |
Elzbieta Zochowska, very closed relation and art director of Edipresse in Poland, with Edilth-Laure Rostkowski. | Bogdan and Elzbieta Zochowski, the "extended" family, with Edilou Rostkowski. |
Edith-Laure Rostkowski, Pise - Pietrasanta, 2007 | "Leone" de Maria Papa Rostkowska en marbre rose devant le Musée National de Pologne, avec sa petite-fille Edith-Laure Rostkowski le 13 mai 2010, jour de l'inauguration officielle de la donation des 4 sculptures par Nicolas et Joëlle Rostkowski au Musée National de Pologne. |
Maria Papa Rostkowska, Nicolas Rostkowski, Mathias de Vulpian, Edith-Laure Rostkowski, "La Pesa", Pietrasanta, 2007. |
Joëlle Nicolas Rostkowski and the National Assembly LE16 June 2011 at the inauguration of the statue "Promesse de bonheur" Maria Papa Rostkowska at the Palais Bourbon. |
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MARIA PAPA ROSTKOWSKA Official web site© 2008. All rights reserved. |